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Why You Should Hire a Life Coach
By Josh Sutton Thinking about hiring a life coach? Maybe you’ve heard of friends or even celebrities working with a coach to improve...

Setting Your Sights
A couple of years ago I set myself a goal. The goal was to create a life that I loved, that felt like a dream. It had nothing to do with...

The Ultimate Test... Would You Pass it?
I had the ultimate test the other day I was at my lad's footy training, and somebody asked what I did. When I explained that I am a Life...

Don't Change Your Career, to Change Your Career
You might not need to change your career to change your career. What? Sometimes when I speak to clients, they’ll tell me they’re thinking...

A Bone to Pick with 'Mental Health'
I've got a bone to pick with ‘Mental Health Awareness Week’ Not the concept, but the application. When we talk about mental health, we...

Done All the Personal Habit Tricks?
You’ve read Atomic Habits You’ve journalled at least 6 times You’ve listened to 2.7 episodes of Diary of a CEO (dog/child/insert...

Is There Such a Thing as a 'Social Introvert'?
Is there such a thing as a ‘social introvert’? How about a 'solitary extrovert'? The best explanation I’ve heard for...

A Tell-Tale Sign of Confidence
Tell-tale sign of confidence? You'd expect me to say something like, ‘not trying to fit in with everybody else’ wouldn't you? Yet...

The Day I Thoughts my Life Was Over
The day I thought my life was over… It was a Thursday I'd gone into my small office for the 4th day in a row and sobbed in the dark by...

Why You're Not Feeling Fulfilled… And What You Can Do About It
Way back when, we would often do our jobs and go about our lives based on what tribe or village needed. We would marry based on the...

Living Someone Else's Life
‘Living someone else’s life’ is a bit of a strange concept. I mean, clearly you are very much ‘you’, very much living your own life. It’s...

Exploring the Power of Identity: How Knowing Who You Are Can Shape a Fulfilling Life
If you walk into a room with ten other people in it, there immediately exists ten versions of you in the room… What? Well, one survival...

People Appreciate those who Appreciate
People appreciate those who appreciate. It’s a good saying, isn't it? And it’s true: those who show appreciation to others are more liked...

Guide on the side, not sage on the stage.
I have lots of quotes on a visualisation board at home, one of my favourites being, ‘Guide on the side, not sage on the stage’. It’s...

Who needs your ‘A Game’?
It’s right that we spend time investing in ourselves, but in my opinion we should be spending significant time investing in others, where...

Good cheating… Encouraging others
There are ways some great cheats to gaining a quick burst of confidence, and offering an encouragement to somebody is right up there with...

The reality of building character
One of the painful realities in life is that the more character and resilience we develop, the easier life becomes and the more we’re...

Don't end up in Birmingham!
If I gave you ten grand to go on holiday, most people wouldn’t go to the airport and let somebody book their destination for them. You...

Perspective is a fascinating concept. Why is one person's pittance another's fortune? One person's achievement another's failure? How can...

Do I have to be the Best Version of Myself?
I was speaking to a friend the other day, and they asked me, "Do I have to be the best version of myse lf all the time?" Firstly: No. You...
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